Friday, April 23, 2010

Dub Tee Eff?

Banana snapped this one in Target recently. Look closely, those are peanuts sitting on top of those boxes. And I'm pretty sure one of them has been sucked on.

Come on, people - this is disgusting.

My first question is, did you bring your own peanuts to Target?

Were you so hungry that you couldn't wait to open the bag you picked up in the grocery section?

Either way, did you suck the salt off one of them before you left it here for the unsuspecting Snuggie customer to find?



  1. I first assumed it would be a small child dropping these off but really, were they there for 10 minutes laying them out before their mom got them. I mean that's a lot of peanuts to just "drop"...crazy!

  2. I actually witnessed this spectacle... my guess is someone let their child run around Target, but I know that is rare so I could be completely off base!
